Saturday, August 23, 2008

Website Evaluation - http://

Question 1
As stated in the website, it is intended for “EFL/ESL learners and teachers”. This website would be most suitable for teachers, parents, students, individuals who wants to learn, improve or even seek for ideas related to English Language Learning and Teaching.

Question 2
The website provides a lot of information, exercises, tests and also forum to express any concern, enquiries and anything related to the content of the website. Therefore, it is interactive not only literally but also in knowledge wise. This website also accommodates users on the culture of the language and also educate them about the history of English language in Britain.

Question 3
This website requires or expects the user to use several computer skills especially when playing the online games such as click and type, point and click and etc. However, it does not burdened the user or complicate the user to explore the website. The instructions in the website also help in developing users’ computer skill.

Question 4
Absolutely! It reminds me a lot of activities or sessions in a classroom. The contents of the links provided are like ‘black board’ notes aside from the fact that they are clickable and do not need to be manually copied. Several games provided are also very familiar and well-known among the students and teachers For example, crossword puzzles and battleships. Meanwhile, for self study, the tests and quizzes are perfect for evaluating the level of knowledge in the target area whereas they are almost similar to the exercises and tests we used to have in a classroom.

Question 5
The settings will the website best used in is varied. It is very flexible where you can implement the content in almost any setting that you like. It is suitable for independent study because it provides comprehensive tutoring from writing, speaking, listening until grammar and vocabulary. It is also suitable for lab associated with a class and teacher-led class because the content is interactive and can be used to help the teacher clarify the targeted topic more clearly. The online games also can be played in any settings according to the level of proficiency of the students.

Question 6
One of the theories had occurred to me when I visit this website. I have just read on a theory before I visit this website and I really think this website does demonstrate task-difficulty theory by Prof. J. Cummins. ( Cummins has devised a model whereby the different tasks we expect our students to engage in can be categorized. the tasks range in difficulty along one continuum from cognitively undemanding to cognitively demanding; and along the other continuum from context-embedded to context-reduced. A context-embedded task is one in which the student has access to a range of additional visual and oral cues; for example he can look at illustrations of what is being talked about or ask questions to confirm understanding. A context-reduced task is one such as listening to a lecture or reading dense text, where there are no other sources of help than the language itself. Clearly, a D quadrant task, which is both cognitively demanding and context- reduced, is likely to be the most difficult for students, particularly for non-native speakers in their first years of learning English. However, it is essential that ESL students develop the ability to accomplish such tasks, since academic success is impossible without it.

Question 7
Vygotsky stated that the inter-relationship of language development and thought. This concept, explored in Vygotsky's book Thought and Language, (alternative translation: Thinking and Speaking ) establishes the explicit and profound connection between speech (both silent inner speech and oral language), and the development of mental concepts and cognitive awareness. It should be noted that Vygotsky described inner speech as being qualitatively different from normal (external) speech. Although Vygotsky believed inner speech to develop from external speech via a gradual process of internalization, with younger children only really able to "think out loud," he claimed that in its mature form it would be unintelligible to anyone except the thinker and would not resemble spoken language as we know it (in particular, being greatly compressed). Hence, thought itself develops socially.An infant learns the meaning of signs through interaction with its main care-givers, e.g., pointing, cries, and gurgles can express what is wanted. How verbal sounds can be used to conduct social interaction is learned through this activity, and the child begins to utilize/build/develop this faculty: using names for objects, etc.Language starts as a tool external to the child used for social interaction. The child guides personal behavior by using this tool in a kind of self-talk or "thinking out loud." Initially, self-talk is very much a tool of social interaction and it tapers to negligible levels when the child is alone or with deaf children. Gradually self-talk is used more as a tool for self-directed and self-regulating behavior. Then, because speaking has been appropriated and internalized, self-talk is no longer present around the time the child starts school. Self-talk "develops along a rising not a declining, curve; it goes through an evolution, not an involution. In the end, it becomes inner speech” (Vygotsky, 1987, pg 57). Inner speech develops through its differentiation from social speech.
Therefore, this website provides and emphasis on the earliest stage of learning by not only provided notes but also sounds, speeches that can expose the users to the native speakers of English Language. This will help the parents to start early in teaching the children English language. It also provide much insight on how the structure of the language formed in a simple and various mediums. (sounds and interaction with chatting forums).

Question 8
From my opinion, both terms which are ‘slave’ and ‘master’ are too extreme and not quite appropriate for my evaluation. It would a generalization to label the computer as one of them. I think computers are not capable to entirely replace the role of a teacher (yet). Meanwhile, computer also should not be an obedient servant to student which could be manipulated in any way the students want. I would prefer the word assist or assistant. A computer can assist a teacher in teaching process in many ways imaginable. It also can be a privilege for teachers to have computers to assist their classes and making their classes more interesting and interactive. A computer also can be an advantage in students learning especially it can assist the students to achieve more information on a particular topic/subject but not to serve the students’ desire including negative intentions such as plagiarism or cheating in the tests or exams. So, the role of a computer in both parties should be balanced.

Question 9
Yes, thanks to this assignment I finally found a very comprehensive website which I can use in the future. It is because It is flexible (content), user-friendly and also comprehensive in terms of the subtopics provided.

Question 10
It is an effective website to learn English, however, I would like to suggest that it can provide a world-wide dictionary so that the students can check the meaning in their native language. It would be better if the notes could be more interactive and colourful for young learner.

Nurfadillah Zakariah